disease areas, resulting in faster, cheaper, more efficient drug trials that yield numerous new medications to ease human pain and suffering.
This marks Origent’s third NIH SBIR award. Origent’s Chief Science Officer Dr. David L. Ennist will be the primary investigator for this project. Dr. Jonathan Glass at Emory University will provide support for ALS disease models. Dr. Ray Dorsey and Dr. Charles Venuto at the University of Rochester will support development of models for Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Dr. David Bennett of Rush University will provide subject matter expertise in the field of Alzheimer’s disease. Origent will also collaborate closely with a team led by Mr. Alex Sherman at the Neurological Clinical Research Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital, to demonstrate integration of select tools within NCRI’s NeuroBANK PharmaENGINE electronic data capture software.